「Syn-(共に)」と「Create(創造)」を組み合わせた造語です。この言葉には、「共に何かを創り出す(Co-create Something)」という意味と、「共生を目指した協業(Symbiotic Collaboration)」という二つの意味が込められています。
「共生的共創(SynCreate)」は、以下の要素で構成される「価値創造事業(Value Creation Project)」を意味します
1.共有の構想(Shared Concept)
2.共有の意志(Shared Plan)
3.共有の行動(Shared Action)
What is SynCreate?
"SynCreate" is a coined term combining "Syn-" (together) and "Create" (to create). This term embodies two meanings: "co-creating something" and "symbiotic collaboration" aimed at fostering coexistence.
The Need for SynCreate:
In today’s society, there is an increasing demand for embracing diversity and achieving sustainability. To balance these two priorities, the concept of "coexistence," where individuals mutually depend on and support each other, is essential. As an approach to addressing such social challenges, the concept of "SynCreate" is proposed.
The Structure of SynCreate:
"SynCreate" represents a "Value Creation Project" that consists of the following key elements:
1. Shared Concept:
-Sharing ideas and forming a collective vision.
2. Shared Plan:
-Developing concrete plans and setting common goals.
3. Shared Action:
-Collaborating and implementing the plans.
Through these processes, "SynCreate" aims to create value that contributes to the realization of a symbiotic society.
私たちは、「共生的共創 (SynCreate)」という概念を、手法、人材、環境の視点から体系化し、総合的なサービスとして提供します。この理念を実現するために、SynCreate LLC(シンクリエイト)を設立しました。詳細は、About us、Vision、Missionをご覧ください。
To embody this concept, we have developed a systematic approach called "SynCreate Leadership," which integrates methods, human resources, and environmental perspectives. SynCreate LLC was founded to provide comprehensive services based on this framework. For further details, please visit our "About Us" page, including sections on our Vision and Mission.