About Us
1.共有の構想 (Shared Concept)
2.共有の意思 (Shared Plan)
3.共有の行動 (Shared Action)
Definition and Significance of "SynCreate"
SynCreate refers to a process in which effective solutions, unattainable by individuals or single fields alone, are generated through the interaction of diverse elements (individuals or components) from various disciplines. This concept is grounded in the principles of embracing diversity, pursuing sustainability, and fostering the wisdom of "symbiosis", encapsulated in the idea of "creation". Therefore, it is named "SynCreate" to reflect these values comprehensively.
SynCreate(共創)とは、「Syn-(共に)」と「Create(創造)」を組み合わせた造語です。「共に創る(Co-create)」という意味に加え、「共生のための創造(Symbiotic Creation)」の意義を持ちます。
「共生」という言葉はもともと、生物学における symbiosis の訳語で、「生物が互いに利益を交換しながら生活する(相利共生)」という意味です。社会学では、「異質なものが助け合い、共に生きる」ことを表し、「共生社会」という概念が用いられます。
SynCreate is a coined term combining "Syn-" (together) and "Create" (creation). It carries the meaning of "creating together (Co-create)" as well as "creation for symbiosis (Symbiotic Creation)."
The term "symbiosis" originally comes from biology, where it refers to "a relationship in which organisms exchange mutual benefits and live together" (mutualistic symbiosis). In sociology, it describes "the act of heterogeneous entities helping each other and coexisting," which is often expressed through the concept of a "symbiotic society."
In other words, a symbiotic society refers to "a society that seeks to establish new relational connections based on the coexistence of diverse and heterogeneous entities." Furthermore, "symbiotic relationships" can be defined as "the creation of relationships where differences are acknowledged and leveraged to benefit one another."
多様性の中で生まれる対立や矛盾をエネルギーとして活用し、より創造的な関係を積極的に構築し、持続可能な社会を実現することは、21世紀の最大の課題となりつつあります。このような複雑で困難な問題に対応し、21世紀社会を築くためのアプローチとして、共生的共創(SynCreate Leadership)を提案します。
Harnessing the conflicts and contradictions inherent in diversity as a source of energy to actively build more creative relationships and achieve a sustainable society is becoming the greatest challenge of the 21st century. To address these complex and difficult issues and realize a 21st-century society, we propose SynCreate Leadership as a transformative approach.
Under this mission, we believe that creators and entrepreneurs who pursue endless challenges will continue to gather, achieving new SynCreate initiatives one after another. This relentless pursuit of co-creation is our challenge for a sustainable 21st century.
"Symbiotic Co-creation" as "Japanese-style Co-creation"
Japanese culture is deeply rooted in the spirit of symbiosis. This spirit forms the foundation of Japanese-style management, which emphasizes harmony and collaboration, enabling flexible and sustainable organizational practices. The fusion of symbiosis and Japanese-style management holds the key to creating new value for future societies. "Symbiotic Co-creation" truly embodies the essence of "Japanese-style Co-creation."